Verbinding door voetbal | Over ons | Tiki Taka League

About us


About us

We are three brothers with a shared mission: to motivate and connect as many people from Twente as possible. Our passion led to the creation of the Tiki Taka League, a unique football experience that stands apart from traditional leagues. With us you play on a weekday evening, together with your friends, colleagues or fellow students, at a prime location in Enschede. Without obligations at the weekend and long travel distances. We are convinced that these ingredients form the ideal formula for social contact and an active effort that is perfect for adults with a busy life.


January 2, 2023 marks an important moment in our history, as that is the official start date of our company. In the first quarter of 2023, we established several local partnerships that play a vital role in the history of the Tiki Taka League. With V.V. We work closely together in Rigtersbleek to offer our participants a unique experience. Thanks to this collaboration, we can use the beautiful fields, the comfortable changing rooms and the cozy canteen. Moreover, we can count on the efforts of fantastic (qualified) referees and the warm hospitality of the people at the club.

Connection through football

We also have a valuable collaboration with FC Twente Scoren in de Wijk. Together we are committed to connecting and moving as many participants as possible, especially the people of Twente who could use a sporty boost. A special aspect of this cooperation is that FC Twente Scoren in de Wijk makes tickets available for the home matches of FC Twente to the winners of the Tiki Taka League. This not only stimulates local football, but also gives the participants the opportunity to enjoy professional football in the region.

These local partnerships have proved invaluable to the growth and success of the Tiki Taka League. It enables us to provide an excellent football experience, joining forces with key players in the region. Together we ensure that participants feel connected and can enjoy sporting achievements, fun and the unique football culture that Twente has to offer.

And so it began

Met de komst van de lente, zetten we de eerste stappen met de 1e editie van de Tiki Taka League, waarin maar liefst 20 teams deelnamen. Na het succes van de eerste editie en de positieve reacties van de deelnemende teams, werden we vervuld met hernieuwde energie en vastberadenheid om verder te gaan. Inmiddels zijn er meer dan 300 wedstrijden gespeeld en zijn wij een schat aan ervaring rijker. Met elke editie groeide de Tiki Taka League uit tot een gewaardeerde en geliefde voetbalcompetitie in de regio, waar spelers en teams samenkomen om te genieten van de sport en de unieke sfeer die de competitie met zich meebrengt.
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